Bringing Freedom & Democracy To The World

The greater portion of written history has been about wars; from the Punic Wars 165 years before Christ, to the Crusades, a two-hundred year religious war, a thousand years after Christ, right up to a short two-hundred years ago when we started doing our bit to get mentioned in the history books.

I guess it was the sudden desire of everyone to be politically correct that caught my attention. We as a society were rewriting the dictionary eliminating any words that might offend any gender, any ethnic group, or any group that might have different sexual lifestyles. We even wanted to change the names of our football teams so as to not offend the Indians.

When I started checking into the source of this apologetic change in behavior, I discovered that it was paralleled by a similar change in foreign policy. We were busily interfering in the internal affairs of nations all over the world in the name of "Human Rights."

Our message to the nations of the world was,
"If you change your ways and be nice to the people, we'll give you lots of nice green money. If you don't, we'll organize and finance a rebellion and overthrow your government, or bomb you into submission."

It didn't take long for me to figure out what was happening. We were being taken on a long delayed guilt trip. For three hundred years, we were guilty of exactly the same things we were now trying to stop. Now I know that the good old USA has only been around for a couple hundred years, but when I say we, I am speaking of the Puritans, the Pilgrims, the Huegonauts, etc.. I started in the year 1664 and ran a brief summary of what might make us feel so darned guilty:

1664... The British were killing the Dutch over New York
1692... Almost every bonfire contained a screaming witch
1712... The colonies were plagued by slave revolts
1754-1763 French and Indian War (we start killing Indians)
1770... The Boston Massacre (we're still killing Indians)
1775-1783... Revolutionary War (killing Colonists, French, British, and Indians)
1804... Vice President Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton
1812-1814... War of 1812 (killing British and Indians)
1831... Slave rebellions (kill lots of Blacks)
1836... Mexicans kill Texans at the Alamo
1846-1848... US declares war on Mexico (kill Mexicans and Indians)
1861-1865... Civil War (kill each other and Indians)
1862... Homestead Act starts range wars (killing homesteaders, squatters, Indians, and sheep herders)
1876... Indians kill Custer
1890... We kill Sitting Bull (ending 136 years of killing Indians)
1898... US declares War on Spain (kill Spaniards and Mexicans)
1917-1918... World War 1 (we get to kill some Germans)
1920-1933... Prohibition (government kills bootleggers and we kill each other)
1941-1945... World War 2 (killing Germans, Italians, Japanese, and get a new toy -- The A-bomb)
1950-1953... We kill a few Koreans (they kill lots of us)
1953-1966... Civil Liberty Riots and race riots (down goes Malcolm X and Martin Luther King)
1961-1972... Too much peace, so off to Vietnam (we get our butt kicked)
1988... Tried to kill mean old Kadafe (missed and killed his kid)
1990... We invade Panama
1991... We send 450,000 troops to Saudi Arabia
1994... We go back to Saudi and rattle our sabres
1994... US invades Haiti (we finally win one)
1997-1999... We spend billions fruitlessly sending bombs and missiles into Iraq and Serbia and troops into Bosnia.
2001-2008... The league of Arab Nations is sending us a message in the form of terrorist attacks, hiding the terrorists, killing our occupation forces and destroying our economy by increasing the price of oil from $32 a barrel to $124 a barrel. Their message is clear, but we can't understand their language.

My final conclusion is that in spite of our natural tendency to kill or enslave any species that is different from us, we have decided to pretend to be sensitive, caring, nice, correct, and truly concerned for the welfare of everyone everywhere. However in doing so, we have placed the security of our great nation in jeopardy. Our military are confused and demoralized, our national security at risk by depleting our military weaponry and not replacing it and our economy is in shambles.