2008 Election Goals

James Fox

The People's Mandate

Not believing that the party system is constitutional in this republic, I speak and write as an independant citizen. A citizen like all other citizens who listens to the retoric spewed from the mouths of candidates aspiring to lead this great nation.

The sum and total of those campaign promises made by an individual become his platform and the people's mandate if they choose to support him in his quest. A quest to become our leader and to be given the power to bring about the changes needed to fulfill the promises made to the people.

Once elected our President soon finds that 438 individuals in the House of Representatives and 100 Senators have their own agendas and most desire the status quo. Their activities and self interests are currently not in the best interest of their constituents. This is represented in their record breaking disapproval ratings, but disapproval is not enough. The Congress at the present time stands in the way of change and needs to be punished for interfering in the Presidents efforts to bring about those changes. Punished how?

There is only one way under the Constitution that the House of Representatives can be whipped back into shape. We the People must do the whipping. When our President sends a proposal or inititave to the House and the House votes it down or trys to change or distort it, The names of the Congress Men/Woman should be published and We the People must take action.

Historically, a President's first 2 years in office doesn't accomplish much, but the voting record of the Congress should show the People which Representatives are working in opposition to their Mandate and they should be removed at the midterm election. If this action is repeated often enough, our elected representatives will get the message. The message that their mission in Washington DC is to impliment the issues in the President's platform (Mandate) not try to block them. Our will be done - not theirs. Power to the People!