James Fox


On December 7, 2001:
In response to the horrible events of September 11th, President George W. Bush went before Congress, declared war on terrorism and promised harsh punishment for any nation or government that sponsored or gave safe refuge to terrorist organizations.

When he spoke those words, he was rewarded by a standing ovation. At each utterance of his intent to dedicate our military and the resources of a coalition of friendly, global neighbors to the winning of that war, everyone stood up and started another ovation of approval.

During the following week or so, his approval ratings in every public opinion poll reflected the overwhelming approval of the people of America. His ratings rose to over 80%.the highest of any President in history. I don't believe his declaration was misunderstood by the congress or the people.

The media and certain elements of our society, including our former President, William Jefferson Clinton, appear confused or at odds with the will of the people and the approval of Congress. They are starting to talk of peace and to sow seeds of dissension by trying to lay blame for the murder of over 3,000 innocent American citizens on the behavior of the United States of America during the past 200 years. This in my opinion is dangerously close to treason.

Instead of supporting our war effort and giving aid and comfort to our troops, The print media, radio and TV stations have launched a campaign of negitivism and mis-information about our accomplishments and reception by the rank and file people of Iraq. There is a continuous bombardment of demands for a speedy end of the occupation, the withdrawal of our troops and a daily body count of our military casualties. They never let up -- they even have moments of silence for the deaths of the day.

They parade the grieving relatives of the fallen in front of the TV cameras and wallow in their pain and anguish, all in the pursuit of rating points and to undermine the war effort and our administration. They have no concern for the people of Iraq who would be slaughtered if we pulled out, and Sadam Hussain returned to power. It is a typical Liberal attack using character assassination tactics. No one seems interested in illustrating how rediculous they are - how near they come to aiding and giving comfort to our enemies.

The following information comes from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC gathers statistics from all death certificates and produces a huge data base illustrating age groups, cause of death and aggregate numbers. I selected the age group 15 - 34, because it parallels the age group of our military, and just used the most common causes of death, because the full list is 5 pages long. The information will illustrate how biased and devious the media is in exploiting our military deaths to undermine our war effort and confuse the American people.

CDC Latest Report on Deaths - Age Group 15-34 - (1) Year
Unintentional Injuries
Malignant Neoplasms
Heart Disease
Congenital Anomalies
Cerebro Vascular
Liver Disease
Respiratory Disease

Total Deaths = 58,318 -- Daily Deaths = 160

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq = 147
126 days after Fall of Bagdad
Daily average = 1 and one-sixth

Question: Where is the media's blame game and outrage over the daily slaughter going on here at home? Could they be politically motivated? Obviously they are not concerned about mortality reports.