Good news in Iraq

Good news in Iraq
Published in the Washington Times
December 5, 2005

Making a big deal out of our Defense Department paying for feeding good news to the press in Iraq to counter bad news from insurgents is blatantly hypocritical, particularly when it comes from a free press rife with bias against any good news about the conflict in Iraq.

Considering the fact that nearly all of America's major news media have taken an irreversible stance against the Bush administration's success in Iraq with relentlessly negative reporting, editorials, commentary and letters to editor, it's almost like negative propagandists calling positive propagandists, propagandists... No wonder the president's polls are down.

Under the circumstances, why should we trust anything our free press has to say? At least the Iraqi people are getting some fair and balanced news. Maybe President Bush should to pay our press to give us the good news.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder

Letter to CNN
November 29, 2005

There is only one Situation Room

There is only one official Situation Room in this country. It is in the White House under the administration of the President of the United States, not at CNN under the administration of Wolf Blitzer.

That situation is not only the height of news media arrogance, it's only purpose is to work against President Bush, to frustrate the war in Iraq, and to promote a regime change from Republican to Democrat in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

Of course, CNN is not alone in this blatantly biased endeavor. ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY and many others in the so-called news media have relentlessly worked to undermine the war in Iraq and the war against terror, by demoralizing the military, their families and the American people. And that, not unlike the activities of former attorney general, Ramsey Clark giving aid to our enemy, Saddam Hussein, is tantamount to treason...

Anyone who doubts the motives of the news media need only recall how they boldly badgered the Clinton administration into the Balkan wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, civil wars that were the business of Europe, not the United States. Particularly, when the Clinton administration did absolutely nothing about the horrific tribal genocide in Rwanda.

Alas, the political war of ideologies going on in our country is like a cancer eating out the heart of America. And that is simply unconscionable. Only we, the people, can put a stop to it by exercising more democracy.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder

Ramsey Clark: Patriot or Traitor?

Patriots are defined as people who love, support, and defend their country. Traitors are defined as people who betray their country, especially people who commit treason. The definition of treason includes acting to aid the country's enemies.

Former attorney general Ramsey Clark has openly worked to frustrate the war against terror and the war in Iraq. Now, on the eve of Saddam Hussein's trial, Clark is aiding Saddam Hussein by becoming a member of Hussein's defense team. Saddam Hussein is an enemy of the United States. His influence has and still extends to attacks against our soldiers and the Iraqi people, which leads to the inescapable conclusion that Ramsey Clark is a traitor.

Lest we forget, Saddam Hussein was himself a weapon of mass destruction. He would have continued his reign of terror and increased his threat against the Middle East, America and the world if he had not been removed from power.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
November 28, 2005