REPEAL THE INCOME TAX AMENDMENT and establish a fair national sales tax. Call, write or E-mail your congressional representatives and voice your support for H.R. 2525 (The Fair Tax Act of 1999) sponsored by Rep. John Linder (R-GA) and Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN), introduced 7-14-99. This bill came from a carefully researched plan by the 250,000 member citizens organization Americans for Fair Taxation. A national town hall meeting held by the AFT featuring Linder and Peterson was aired by C-Span this week. (Of course it comes as no surprise that the mainstream media hasn't even given it a blip in the fraud medium they call the news) For detailed information visit >From the Americans for Fair Taxation web site: The Fair Tax is a national retail sales tax on new goods and services at the final point of sale for personal consumption above the poverty level. Used goods are not taxed. The Fair Tax is the best choice for all Americans. It will eliminate the complexity and injustice of our current system entirely by repealing the federal income tax and all federal payroll taxes. The Fair Tax will replace them with a simple 23% federal sales tax on new goods and services. THE FAIR TAX WILL: Repeal the 16th Amendment authorizing the taxation of income, capital gains taxes, corporate and self-employment taxes, all payroll taxes including Social Security and Medicare taxes, and all estate and gift taxes. Provide a universal rebate equal to the sales tax paid on essential goods and services to ensure that no Americans pay taxes on the necessities. Establish a 23% tax inclusive rate on the purchase of new goods and services in the U.S. THE FAIR TAX WON'T: Cause prices to rise, decrease government revenue, unfairly burden the poor or elderly, unfairly burden retailers, be structured as a VAT, or provide tax loopholes of any kind. Note: The Direct Democracy Center supports the Fair Tax and the direct democracy that got it this far. 53 percent of the lobbyists in Washington are there for the sole purpose of manipulating the tax code. Let's get rid them, the income tax, the tax code and the IRS. USE BROWSER [ BACK BUTTON ] TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE....